
We are building a strong tradition of providing quality goods and excellent customer service. Part of achieving this goal involves working with information that helps us understand what customers want when they visit our site.

Information You Provide Us

In several areas, we ask you to provide information by filling out and submitting an online form. Following is a list of the information we request, arranged by site location, and details on how we use this information.


We ask for your name, address and contact information so we can send you your order, and so we can contact you if we have a question about your order. We ask for credit card information so we can fulfill your order, and so we can provide this information to the company or companies who process your credit card payment. All orders are processed in US dollars.

When you make a purchase your credit card will be processed by Corliss Estate. Please check your credit card statement to verify that the charges have been properly processed. We do not share any other information with third parties, except in the case of contact or order information needed to fulfill your order. We do not share or sell email addresses.

My Account

When you create an account, we ask for your name, address, phone number, email address, and a user name and password. We do not share or sell this information.

Gift Cards and Gift Messages

These options allow you to send a personal greeting with your gift order. We make no use of the information contained in these greetings except to complete your order as you have requested.

Information We Don’t Collect

When you visit and browse our site, we do not collect your name, email address or any other personal information unless you provide it to us.

How We Use Email

After you place an order on our site, you will receive an email confirmation and, in most cases, an email with package tracking information.

We send email updates on wine information to subscribers only. Unsubscribe instructions are included in each edition of the email. We do not sell or share email addresses with other companies. We do use email as a means of receiving feedback from our customers, and we encourage you to email us with your questions or comments. We read every email we receive.

About Information We Share With Others

We do not, under any circumstances, share or sell your information to anyone.

How To Remove Your Name From Our Mailing List

Email us at

Questions or Comments

Please contact us for questions, comments or assistance with any privacy-related issues. We invite you to email us or call: 509.526.4400. We’re always happy to help.

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